GMP Glossary
At a glance
Abkürzung | Erklärung |
Ziffern | |
483 | Form FDA 483 (Mängelauflistung) |
A | |
AANDA | Abbreviated Antibiotic New Drug Application |
ABPI | Association of British Pharmaceutical Industries |
AHU | Air Handling Unit |
AIM | Aide Memoire (der ZLG) |
AISI | American Iron and Steel Institute |
AL | Aktions Limit |
AMBO | Arzneimittelbetriebsordnung (Österreich) |
AMBV | Arzneimittel-Bewilligungsverordnung (Schweiz) |
AMG | Arzneimittelgesetz (Deutschland) |
AMG-EV | AMG-Einreichungsverordnung (Deutschland) |
AMGrHdlBetrV | Arzneimittelgrosshandelsbetriebsverordnung (Deutschland) |
AMWHV | Arzneimittel- und Wirkstoffherstellungsverordnung (Deutschland) |
AMRadV | Verordnung über radioaktive oder mit ionisierenden Strahlen behandelte Arzneimittel (Deutschland) |
AMZV | Arzneimittel-Zulassungsverordnung (Schweiz) |
ANADA | Abbreviated New Animal Drug Application |
ANDA | Abbreviated New Drug Application |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute (heute: ASA) |
API | Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient |
APIC | Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Council |
ApBetrO | Verordnung über den Betrieb von Apotheken (Deutschland) |
ApoG | Gesetz über das Apothekenwesen (Deutschland) |
APIC | Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee |
APR | Annual Product Review |
AR | Annual Report |
ASA | American Standards Association |
ASME | American Society for Mechanical Engineers |
ASME-BPE | American Society for Mechanical Engineers – Bioprocessing Equipment |
ASMF | Active Substance Master File |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials (inzwischen internationale Standardisierungsgesellschaft) |
ATCC | American Type Culture Collection |
B | |
BACPAC | Bulk Actives Postapproval Changes (Regularium der US-FDA) |
BAH | Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Hersteller e.V. |
BDSG | Bundesdatenschutzgesetz |
BfArM | Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte |
BFAV | Bundesforschungsanstalt für die Viruskrankheiten der Tiere |
BFS | Blow-Fill-Seal (Technologie) |
BGBl | Bundesgesetzblatt (Deutschland) |
BLA | Biologic License Application |
BMG | Bundesministerium für Gesundheit |
BMS | Building Management (Computer-) System |
BP | British Pharmacopoeia |
BPI | Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e. V. |
BPC | Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals |
BPE | Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients |
BPI | Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e. V. |
BPR | Batch Production Record |
BR | Batch Record |
BRR | Batch Record Review |
BS | British Standard |
BSA | Bovine Serum Albumine |
BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Rinderwahnsinn) |
BtM | Betäubungsmittel |
BtMG | Betäubungsmittelgesetz |
BVL | Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit |
BZ | „Beipackzettel“ (Gebrauchsinformation) |
C | |
CA | Competent Authority |
CANDA | Computer Assisted New Drug Application |
CAPA | Corrective and Preventive Action |
CBE | Change being effected |
CBER | Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research |
CCS | Contamination Control Strategy |
CDER | Center for Drug Evaluation and Research |
CE | CE-Kennzeichung (Communauté Européenne) |
CEFIC | European Chemical Industry Council |
CEN | Comité Européen de Normalisation (Europäisches Komitee für Normung) |
CENELEC | Europäisches Komitee für die elektrotechnische Normung |
CEP (CoS) | Certificate of Suitability to the Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFU | Colony Forming Unit |
cGMP | Current Good Manufacturing Practice |
CHMP | Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (früher CPMP) |
CIM | Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
CIP | Cleaning in place |
CMC | Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (Teil des Zulassungsdossiers) |
CMS | Change Management System |
CMS | Concerned Member State |
CoA | Certificate of Analysis |
COP | Cleaning off place |
COS | Certificate of Suitability (Synonym für CEP) |
COTS | Commercial Off the Shelf |
CP | Centralized Procedure |
Cp | =Prozessfähigkeitsindex bzw. potentielle Prozessfähigkeit Statistische Kennzahl zur Bewertung des Herstellprozesses; beschreibt das Verhältnis der Streuung des Prozesses zur Spezifikationsbreite ohne die Lage der Werte in Betracht zu ziehen und zeigt somit die mögliche Prozessfähigkeit bei mittiger Lage der Werte an |
Cpk | = kleinster Prozessfähigkeitsindex; Statistische Kennzahl zur Bewertung eines Herstellungsprozesses; gibt an wie sicher die produzierten Einheiten die festgelegten Spezifikationsgrenzen eines Prüfaspektes (z.B. Wirkstoffgehalt) einhalten. |
CPMP | Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products |
CPP | Critical Process Parameter |
CPV | Continued Process Verification (US FDA) oder Continuous Process Verfication (EU) |
CQA | Critical Quality Attribute |
CRO | Contract (Clinical) Research Organisation |
CRS | Chemical Reference Standard (des EDQM) |
CSV | Computer System Validation |
CTA | Clinical Trial Application |
CTD | Common Technical Document |
CTX | Clinical Trial Excemption |
CV | Computer Validation |
CVMP | Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products |
D | |
DAB | Deutsches Arzneibuch |
DAMA | Deutsche Arzneimittel- und Medizinprodukteagentur |
DAMOS | Drug Application Methodology with Optical Storage |
DAR | Deutscher Akkreditierungsrat |
DC | Dünnschichtchromatographie |
DCS | Distribution Control System |
DEHS | Di-Ethyl-Hexyl-Sebacat |
DGHM | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (jetzt: VAH) |
DHSS | Department of Health and Human Services (UK) |
DIMDI | Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information |
DIN | Deutsches Institut für Normung |
DIP | Drying in Place |
DKD | Deutscher Kalibrierdienst |
DMF | Drug Master File |
DOH | Department of Health (UK) |
DOL | Dampf-Ozon-Luftverfahren |
DOP | Di-Octyl-Phthalate |
DP | Drug Product |
DQ | Design Qualification |
DS | Design Specifications |
E | |
EBR | Electronic Batch Record |
eCTD | Electronical CTD |
EC | European Communities |
EC DG Enterprise | Generaldirektorat der Europäischen Kommission |
EDMA | European Diagnostics Manufacturee Association |
E-DMF | European Drug Master File |
EDQM | European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare |
EEA | European Economical Area |
EFG | Expertenfachgruppe der Überwachungsbehörden der Länder bei der ZLG |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
EFPIA | European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries´ Association |
EG | Europäische Gemeinschaften |
EGA | European Generic Medicines Association |
EHEDG | European Hygienic Equipment Design Group |
EIR | Establishment Inspection Report |
ELA | Establishment Licence Application |
EM | Environmental Monotoring |
EMA | European Medicines Agency |
EMEA | European Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Products (veraltet) |
EMR | Elektro-Mess-Regel (Technik) |
EN | Europäische Norm |
EP | European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
ETO | Ethylenoxid |
EU | European Union, Europäische Union |
EuAB | Europäisches Arzneibuch (siehe Ph.Eur.) |
Eucomed | European Confederation of Medical Suppliers |
EuGH | Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften |
EWR | Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum |
F | |
FAT | Factory Acceptance Test |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FDAMA | Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act |
FD&C Act | Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act |
FDIS | Final Draft International Standard |
FEFO | First expiry, First out (Lagerhaltung) |
FFS | Form-Fill-Seal (Technology) |
FFU | Filter Fan Unit |
FIFO | First in, First out (Lagerhaltung) |
FIP | Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique |
FIR | Failure Investigation Report |
FIRA | Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rotenticide Act |
FMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Fehlermöglichkeiten- und Einflussanalyse |
FOI | Freedom of Information (act) |
FR | Federal Register |
FS | Feasibility Study |
F(D)S | Functional (Desgin) Specifications |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis |
FTIR | (Fast) Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy |
G | |
GAMP | Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (Guide der ISPE) |
GAP | Goos Analytical Practice |
GC | Gaschromatographie |
GCLP | Goos Control Laboratory Practice |
GCP | Good Clinical Practice |
GCP-V | GCP-Verordnung (Deutschland) |
GCVP | Good Computer Validation Practice |
GDP | Good Distribution Practice |
GEP | Good Engineering Practice |
GHTF | Global Harmonization Task Force |
GLP | Good Laboratory Practice |
GMP | Good Manufacturing Practices |
GSP | Good Storage Practice |
GWP | Good Warehousing Practice |
H | |
HAB | Homöopathisches Arzneibuch |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points |
HAT | Hardware Acceptance Test |
HAZOP | Hazard Operability Analysis |
HDS | Hardware Design Specifications |
HEPA | High Efficiency-Particulate Airfilter |
HHS | Department of Health and Human Services |
HIMA | Health Industries Manufacturers Association |
HKL | Heizung Klima Lüftung |
HMG | Heilmittelgesetz (Schweiz) |
HPLC | High Performance Liquid Chromatography |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning |
HWG | Heilmittelwerbegesetz (Deutschland) |
I | |
IB | Investigators Brochure |
ICH | International Conference on Harmonisation |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. |
IEST | Institute of Environmental Sciences and Testing |
IFPMA | International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations |
IMPD | Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier |
INADA | Investigational New Animal Drug Application |
INN | International Non-proprietary Names |
IND | Investigational New Drug Application |
IPAC-RS | International Pharmaceutical Aerosol Consortium on Regulation and Science |
IPC | In-Process-Control |
IPEC | International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council |
IQ | Installation Qualification |
IR | Immediate Release oder Infrarot |
IRB | Investigation Review Board |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISPE | International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering |
IVDD | In-vitro-diagnostics directive |
J | |
JP | Japanische Pharmacopoe |
JPMA | Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association |
K | |
KBE | Kolonien bildende Einheiten |
KPI | Key Performance Indicater |
L | |
LAF | Laminar Air Flow |
LAL | Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (Test) |
LD 50 | Lethal Dose 50 |
LdH | Leitung der Herstellung |
LdQ | Leitung der Qualitätskontrolle |
LEFO | Last Expiry, First Out |
LF | Laminar Flow |
LIFO | Last in, First Out |
LIMS | Labor-Informations-Management-System |
LOD | Limit of Detection, auch für Loss on Drying |
LOQ | Limit of Quantification |
LVP | Large Volume Parenterals |
LW | Luftwechsel |
LYO | Lyophilisator |
M | |
MA | Marketing Authorisation |
MAA | Marketing Authorisation Application |
MAH | Marketing Authorisation Holder |
MBR | Master Batch Record |
MCA | Medicines Control Agency (UK) |
MCB | Master Cell Bank |
MDD | Medical Device Directive |
MDR | Manufacturing Deviation Report |
MES | Manufacturing Execution System |
MHLW | Ministery of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan) |
MHRA | Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (Großbritannien) |
MHW | Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan) |
MIL | Military Standardization Document |
MKT | Mean Kinetic Temperature |
MMP | Microbial Monitoring Programme |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPG | Medizinproduktegesetz |
MR | Modified Release |
MRA | Mutual Recognition Agreement |
MRF | Mutual Recognition Fatligation (Procedure) |
MRP | Mutual Recognition Procedure |
MS | Member State (der EG) |
MSR | Messen – Steuern – Regeln |
MVC | Minimum Valid Concentration |
MVD | Maximum Valid Dilution |
N | |
NADA | New Animal Drug Application |
NAMUR | Normenausschuß Mess- und Regeltechnik |
NAT | Nukleinsäure Amplifikationstechniken |
NBE | New Biological Entity |
NCE | New Chemical Entity |
NDA | New Drug Application |
NDE | New Drug Entity |
NF | National Formulary |
NIH | National Institute of Health (USA) |
NIHS | National Institut of Health Sciences |
NIR | Near Infrared Spectroscopy |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) |
NME | New Molecular Entities |
NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
NUI | Non urgent information (zu Nebenwirkungen oder Qualitätsmängeln) |
NUIS | Non urgent information system (der EG und der EFTA zu Nebenwirkungen und Qualitätsmägeln) |
O | |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OMCL | Official Medicines Control Laboratory |
OOE | “Out of Expectation” |
OOL | “Out of Limit” |
OOS | „Out of Specification“ |
OOT | „Out of Trend“ |
OOT | “Out of Tolerance” |
OPV | Ongoing Process Verification |
OQ | Operational Qualification |
ORA | Office of Regulatory Affairs (Inspektorat der US FDA) |
ORO | Office of Regional Operations (US FDAs) |
OTC | Over the Counter (medications) |
P | |
PA | Prior Approval |
PAI | Pre-Approval Inspection |
PAR | Proven Acceptable Ranges |
PAS | Prior Approval Supplement |
PBR | Production Batch Record |
PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction |
PCS | Process Control System |
PDA | Parenteral Drug Association |
PEI | Paul-Ehrlich-Institut |
PES | Peressigsäure |
PET | Positronen Emissions-Tomographie |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
Ph. Eur. | European Pharmacopoeia |
PharmBetrV | Pharmabetriebsverordnung |
pharmInd | „Die pharmazeutische Industrie“ (Fachzeitschrift) |
PhRMA | Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Foundation |
PI | Pharmaceutical Inspectorate (US FDA) |
P&I (D) | Piping and Instrumentation (Diagram) |
PIC | Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention |
PIC/S | Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooparation Scheme |
PID | Proportional – Integral – Differential (-Regler bzw. Reglung) |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PL | Product Licence |
PLA | Product Licence Application |
PLC | Programmable Logic Controller |
PLS | Prozess-Leit-System |
PMA | Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association |
PMAC | Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada |
PMF | Plant Master File |
PMS | Post Marketing Surveillance |
ppb | Parts per billion |
ppm | Parts per million |
PPQ | Process Performance Qualification |
PPS | Produktions-Planungs-System |
PPTA | Plasma Protein Theraputics Association |
PQ | Performance Qualification |
PQR | Product Quality Review |
PQRI | Product Quality Research Institute |
PSF | Product Specification File |
PTB | Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt |
PV | Process Validation |
PVC | Polyvinylchlorid |
PVDC | Polyvinylidenchlorid |
PVDF | Polyvinylidenfluorid |
PV | Prüfvorschrift |
PW | Purified Water |
Q | |
Q7A | ICH-Dokument Q7A zu Wirkstoff-GMPs (entspricht Teil II des EG-GMP-Leitfadens) |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QAU | Quality Assurance Unit |
QC | Quality Control |
QCU | Quality Control Unit |
QHD | Qualified Hygienic Design |
qft | Cubic feet |
QM | Qualitätsmanagement |
QMS | Qualitätsmanagement System |
QP | Qualified Person, Sachkundige Person |
QS | Qualitätssicherung |
QSH | Qualitätssicherungshandbuch |
QSS | Qualitätssicherungssystem |
QSIT | Quality Systems Inspection Technique |
R | |
Ra | Rauhigkeit |
RABS | Restricted Access Barrier System |
RAS | Rapid Alert System |
RCS | Reuter Centrifugal Sampler |
R&D | Research & Development |
RH | Relativ Humidity |
RHI | Regionales Heilmittelinspektorat (Schweiz) |
RI | Rohrleitung und Instrumentierung (Schema) |
RKI | Robert-Koch-Institut |
RLT | Raumlufttechnik |
RMS | Reference Member State |
RO | Reverse Osmosis |
RODAC | Replicate Organism Detection and Counting |
RP | Regierungspräsidium |
rpm | revolutions per minute |
RR | Reinraum |
RRKL | Reinraumklasse |
RS | Reference Standard |
RTP | Rapid Transfer Port |
RPZ | Risiko-Prioritäts-Zahl (siehe auch FMEA) |
S | |
SAT | Site Acceptance Test |
SAL | Sterility Assurance Level |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition |
SCS | Swiss Calibration Service |
SDS | Software Design Specification |
SIP | Sterilisation in Place |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SMF | Site Master File |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SPC | Statistical Process-Control |
SPC | Summary of Product Characteristics |
SPS | Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung |
SSR | Scientific Steering Committee der EG zur TSE-Sicherheit |
SUPAC | Scale-up and Postapproval Changes |
SVP | Small Volume Parenterals |
Swissmedic | Das Schweizerische Heilmittelinstitut |
T | |
TÄHÄV | Verordnung über tierärztliche Hausapotheken (Deutschland) |
TAV | Turbulenzarme Verdrängungsströmung |
TGA | Technische Gebäude Ausrüstung |
TLC | Thin Layer Chromatography |
TMS | Turbulente Mischströmung |
TOC | Total Organic Carbon |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
TSCA | Toxic Substances Control Act |
TSE | Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy |
U | |
UAW | Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkung |
UF/DF | Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration |
ULPA | Ultra Low Penetration Air (- Filter) |
URS | User Requirement Specification |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USP | United States Pharmacopoeia |
UV | Ultraviolett (Licht) |
UV/VIS | Spektroskopie im UV- und sichtbaren Bereich |
V | |
VAH | Verbund für angewandte Hygiene e.V. (früher DGHM) |
VAP | Verband aktiver Pharmaunternehmen |
VAW | Verfahrensanweisung |
VDI | Verein Deutscher Ingenieure |
VDMA | Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer |
VFA | Verband der forschenden Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. |
VHP | Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide |
VMP | Validation Master Plan |
VPN | Virtuell Private Network |
W | |
WCB | Working Cell Bank |
WFI | Water for Injection bzw. Wasser für Injektionszwecke |
WG | Water Gauge (Höhe Wassersäule) |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WL | Warning Limit |
WIP | Washing in Place |
WSG | Wirbelschichtgranulator |
WST | Wirbelschichttrockner |
Z | |
ZLG | Zentralstelle der Länder für Gesundheitsschutz bei Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten |
ZLS | Zentralstelle der Länder für Sicherheitstechnik |
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